Well, we finally decided that it was time to get some family pics done. We've always wanted to, but never had the extra money since every time we have anything extra it gets spent on something for Jesse.
Haven't had much time to update this thing since I had my surgery and Jesse has been running all over the place. He is so dang active I can't seem to catch much of a break. He is doing outstanding. He is walking like a pro now and has since moved onto his feeding and speech skills. He is def. a music lover and is trying to sing along with the Wiggles. He loves techno music thanks to my husband. He gets right up and starts shaking his booty every time techno is played which would be never if it was up to me.LOL Anyway, things are great here. Jesse is just cruising all over the place with me or Tony not far behind to keep him out of trouble.
I'm so proud of my lil' man. He is growing up so fast. I already posted about him walking, but wanted to share the video after I edited out the parts that he was just standing there. Sorry there is no sound, but my mic on my web cam won't work. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave comments. We love comments!!!!!
I'm so proud of my little man. Last night he walked all over the living room for about 10 minutes by himself. I couldn't believe it. I got out the web cam and recorded him for a while. He is growing up so fast.
Jesse now says eat, Elmo, milk, bye bye, bug, and doggie. In the last couple of weeks he's taken off with his speech skills. Our therapist doesn't even want to work on sign language anymore because he's doing so good trying to say everything. I'm so proud of Jesse.
Jesse has the crud right now. The poor little guy is so congested and barking like a seal. It's a good excuse for me to make my home made chicken noodle soup though. He's a real cuddle bug right now and just wants snuggle or sleep. I'm hoping I can get him into the Dr's next week if he isn't feeling better over the weekend. I'll update later. I need to get back to snuggling with my little guy.
The in laws came from North Carolina and Tony was actually home. We did the whole cake thing for Jesse. We let him tear into the cake since his dada wasn't home to see it last year. He wasn't loving the cake as much as he did last year, but sure loved the frosting.