Tuesday, September 18, 2007

video of Jesse walking!!!!

I'm so proud of my lil' man. He is growing up so fast. I already posted about him walking, but wanted to share the video after I edited out the parts that he was just standing there. Sorry there is no sound, but my mic on my web cam won't work. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to leave comments. We love comments!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Erin that is so great! He looked like he was not only walking but dancing! Jesse way to go big boy!
I got tears in my eyes watching him walk.....

Jenib said...

Hey! Jesse is so adorable! I loved watching this video. Gosh, I can't believe how much he has grown and all those milestones he has hit since I have been gone. Way to go little man! ~Jen

Amy Flege said...

yeah jesse!! way to go!!! you must be so proud erin!!!

☺the slow lane♥ said...

Way to go punky poo!!
Grammy has perma grin on her face watching you walk around :)))
I love the little turny-rounds you do, and that tongue stickin' out at the cam :P
The way you're going, mommie is going to be on a dead run all the time after you. Don't wear her out too bad, huh Jesse?
Lots of Hugs and Kisses.
Grammy Krissy & Grampy Jeff

Mayte said...

OMG!!! What a cutie! Yay for Jesse!

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Congrats on the walking!